The return of the good doctor F
Doctor Farvo's laboratory was quite a lucrative base of operations after the fuel embargo of the 1980's had been lifted. The new trade laws and cheap export taxes had blown a hole to escape the financial woes of the previous years that was only rivaled by Moses parting the Red Sea (an event that had included the involvement of Dr. Farvo's great great great great great great great great great... whew... great great great greatgrand uncle, Festus Farvo). The psychedelic candy cock piece was an invention that's production had been halted by the lack of government funding. The original idea had come to the good doctor while serving his country in "the shit" (known to the civilians as "The war that we didn't want to be involved in but were too stoned to really overthrow the government... so we just made magazines"). The availability of LSD had improved the effectiveness of this candy colored protective garment. The side effects often varied with the user but usually showed a constant variable among those who chose to wear it. His methods and use of LSD in an undergarment were often questioned by those in the industry... but it was known by all in his laboratory that LSD was the only lubricant that could sustain the constant chaffing that occurred while wearing a candy thong.
The rights to this particular invention were soon purchased by a tycoon that had made his money in fried Spanish pies and had recently relocated to Miami after watching the first season of Crockett and Tubbs rip through the city in the television show Miami Vice. The high stress industry of transporting illegal drugs was brought to an all time high through an interest in pastel clothing and wearing shoes with no socks. With individuals no longer able to hide small amounts of drugs in their shoes (mainly due to not wearing socks), they needed a "t-bag" to carry their illegal goods from location to location before sitting down at the coffee table to watch the well kempt feathery hair of Don Johnson and the strange cool of his partner Philip Michael Thomas. Thus, Dr. Farvo's invention had found a great commodity of use. Soon the packaging of the "Candy Cod" had changed form.
The styles of Top Gun had soon streaked across the continent like the sonic boom fly-by that Maverick so loved to enlist before landing. Aviator sunglasses were packaged with the underwear so that all those that were "dealing" would know who was who and where their territory had ended. Vicious feuds exploded throughout the city streets... the gutters filled with blood, sweetened by sugary undergarments and ball sweat (Miami is quite humid after all).
Dr. Farvo had never intended to start a drug fueled gang war on the streets of Miami... but then again... Acid was a terrible drug... even though it was a fantastic undergarment lubricant.
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